1. India
  2. Post-it®
  3. Ideas
  4. Provide personalized support in the office

Provide personalized support in the office

Work intuitively with your team leaders via Post-it® Notes and Flags.

  • Reading list

    Reading list

    Read the same books as senior office members for work-related inspiration. Use Post-it® Flags to mark key ideas for future reference when helping develop presentations or team communication.

  • Bring it forward

    Bring it forward

    Create a daily "bring it forward" file system. Identify the documents and essentials your leader needs the following day with Post-it® Notes and Flags and put it in a folder. Before you leave for the evening, evaluate the folder's contents and have it on his/her desk to review in the morning.

  • Adaptive communication

    Adaptive communication

    The basis for any healthy professional relationship is strong, personalized communication. If your team members prefer visual reminders, write an urgent update on a Post-it® Note and place it on their computer monitor or desk chair.

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