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  4. How to read more efficiently
How to read more efficiently

How to read more efficiently

Reading is an essential component of studying. Follow these suggestions to help read faster and more effectively:

  • 1

    Identify what you want to know. Have a plan before you sit down and pore over the pages. When you have a goal, you’re more engaged — even when it comes to reading for fun. 

    Identify what you want to know

  • 2

    Get active. Reading aloud certainly helps but taking notes while reading is even better. Use Post-it® Notes to create a mind map of the topic you're studying and take your reading to an entirely different level.

    Get active

  • 3

    Make a personal table of contents. Before you start reading, jot down what you hope to learn. As you come across this information in your reading, mark the page with Post-it® Flags. This will help you remember more effectively and serve as a shortcut to essential topics.

    Make a personal table of contents

study organization super_sticky_notes tabs flags